"The Perfect Ending"

Dedicated to my Husband:
Officer C.R. Tillman
adge 518 and all of his
Police Officers of the
Danville (VA) Police Department

Danville (VA) Police Department

I kiss you goodbye and give a smile,
As you drive away, I pray out loud.
A prayer I said out loud for you,
And all the others who wear the blue.

Keep them safe as they must protect,
Keep them strong as they wear their vest.
The job they do most wouldn't have,
Still they continue to wear the badge.

As I lay down with my thoughts of you,
I toss and turn til way past two.
The lights I see coming up the drive,
And now I can release a small sigh.

Safe at home once again,
Please Lord, let tomorrow have the same

Esther Tillman

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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