"Thankless Job"

Dedicated to My Husband:
Deputy Marshal Chris Owens
Pineville, Missouri

Every night I watch you prepare,
Getting the right style, look, and attitude.
Folding the creases over and over,
Then you have to set the mood.

You are not allowed to be joyous,
Nor are you allowed to lose your cool.
No matter how mind boggling or dangerous the call,
You must respond and deal with all kinds of fools.

The career you have chosen is thankless,
Few people respect what you do,
The benefits and pay aren't much per say,
Yet night after night you walk out that door.

People may say what would he do all that for,
Why would you risk your life as a career?
So our children, family, and friends can feel safe.
Otherwise, a world without law is a world living in fear.


Chestina Owens

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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