"The Path I Have Chosen" 

Dedicated to my Husband
~ Nathan Reaves ~
Deputy Sheriff
Lawrence County Sheriffs Department (AL)

There was a time when I wondered what I would do with my life, what I would be.
I thought about a doctor, a lawyer or maybe a teacher, but those weren't meant for me.
Each day I would search, trying to find what I was cut out for, but I never knew.
Then one day it just hit me, I realized what it was that I wanted to do.

Trying to find my destiny seemed to take forever, but now I know.
I am finally able to say, "I've chosen the path in which my life should go."
it's not the average career so I didn't have to go to college or take a test.
But I do have to give it my all, strive to do my very best.

The hours are long and the days are rough, and I have to admit I get very lonely at times.
But it's worth my while to see the safe return of my partner after a day of fighting so many crimes.
My partners job is to serve the people of the community and to protect each and everyone's life.
You see, my partner is a Cop and I am his Wife!

There are times when I wonder how I will make it through the day.
But I know I can manage, I will find a way.
This is the path I've chosen, it's what I was meant to do.
I'll stand beside, "My Cop" and support him my whole life through.


Danielle Reaves

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © November 1999 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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