Holton Police Department


Holton Police Department

We live to a higher standard,
we are to be thicker skinned.
Our rights are lesser then others,
and our pay is quite thin.

As our nights turn to day,
and our days into years.
We have seen people at their worst,
we have seen their fears.

To some we are knights,
to others we are pigs.
We just do our best,
to protect you and your kids.

We shall never tell anyone,
all that we have seen.
We don't try to be heroes,
we are only human beings.

So next time you scorn us,
or try to put us down.
Remember we are only here to help,
to serve you and this town.


Officer J. E. Bell

Holton, Kansas Police Department

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © September 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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